Swami Vivekananda was the pioneer in interfacing Vedānta with modern science and later the early fathers of quantum mechanics like Schrödinger, Heisenberg, Pauli and others derived insights from this perennial source of wisdom, which is the Vedānta.
Category Archives: Upanisads
Prepared By
Dr. Deepashree Mondal
Assistant Professor
Dept. Of Sanskrit
T. D. B. College, Raniganj
The book ‘The Reflection of Yoga in the Principal Upanisads’ is unique of its kind. It contains the translation of the entire text of four Principal Upanisads. The texts have been further interpreted in the light of Yoga Philosophy with special reference to the Patanjala Yoga sutra, Hatha Pradipika and Srimadbhagavadgita. Such an erudite exposition of the mantras of the Principal Upanisads in the perspective of Yoga Darsana compels the heart to bliss.